Lama tak ber blog. Anyway, most of you dah tau yang my daughter and I baru lepas kena H1N1. Alhamdulillah both of us dah ok and now rest at home for another 1 week! More or less we all kena sama dengan adik NI kena. ALhamdulillah, adik NI juga sudah ok ;)
Malas nak cerita panjang, i'll just copy and paste what i have posted in my FB notes.
I received a lot of sms, calls, message regarding H1N1. First of all, I would like to say thanks a million to all of you for your prayers, doa and support. May Allah bless all of you and family. Hanya Tuhan yang dapat membalas jasa kalian semua.
I try to gather some of the questions that people always asked:
1. How do Damia get that?
Well, frankly speaking we have no idea at all. In fact we never discuss about it. We couldn't bother much of that because whenever our kids are sick, the main concern is to get them well again! I keep on getting this sort of questions, but to tell you the truth 'Wallahua'alam'. As we all know, benda ni ada merata-rata.
Nak kata kena masa attend open houses? Rumah siapa? Macam mana boleh kena? Why Damia not other guests yg attend open house tu?Yet, the question remain unanswered.
Nak kata kena kat sekolah? Why other kids tak kena? Why Danish tak kena? Why Damia sahaja?Again, the question remain unanswered.
That is why i myself takkan persoalkan how and where. Dah ditakdirkan Damia yang kena, kami redha. The most important part is to get treatment! As early as possible so that tak melarat. No finger pointing please!
2. How do I get infected?
According to my Dr, very likely that i got it from Damia. According to him, the virus is at higher chances to transmit when Damia on high fever. When i recall back, on Sunday night Damia demam tak turun-turun. I slept with her, sekatil sebantal seselimut at the hospital.Tak tidur sangat pun malam tu sebab demam dia tak kebah and she started to wheezing. My fault for not taking extra pre-caution while taking care of her. But, we have no idea that it was H1N1 at that time. When my kids are sick, nothing else matter. I just want her to feel i'm with her no matter how sick she is. Nak ikutkan dalam hati memang sentiasa berdoa, biarlah saya yang sakit tapi bukan anak-anak.
3. How's the pain with H1N1?
Ok, according to our Dr, H1N1 akan attack the lowest system dalam badan. Dalam kes Damia it was her sinus. That is why dia sakit kepala yang amat sangat sampai menangis-nangis.How do we know she got sinus? Bila kami inform Dr, Damia complaint of severe headache etc, he suggested that we do the MRI. We agree for that.Maybe orang lain takkan benarkan anak mereka diperlakukan dengan benda-benda macam ni. Tapi bagi kami, we trust our DR! He's been our paed since Damia was born. Logically, dia tak boleh nak dengar guna stethoscope bahagian kepala. Kami nak tau cepat apa punca sakit kepala. The sooner you know the earlier you can treat. Lebih-lebih lagi melibatkan bahagian kepala. Guna logic akal and dengan kecanggihan technology yang ada.
Back to MRI, unfortunately not successful. Kesnya sebab Damia keep on moving dalam machine tu. Machine tak bleh capture anything.Terpaksa buat CT Scan. From that CT Scan kami dapat tau yang she had chronic sinusitis. Masyaallah. Can you imagine how we feel?
First H1N1, then chronic sinusitis. According to the paed, sinus co related with asthma and eczema. Yeah, but we wouldn't imagine it to be chronic at Damia's age.As most of you know, Faizal also recently diagnosed with chronic sinusitis which he has to undergo 2 major operation yada..yada.. I was kinda worried if it would be the same with Damia. But then, our paed assure us that for children they won't do any surgery yet. They try to give antibiotics and other medications to treat that. gosh! what a relief!
Hence, during her stay at the ICU Isolation unit, she was given the best antibiotics tru drip for her sinus and also tamiflu for H1N1.ALhamdulillah her asthma is mild, and with that antibiotics and nebulizer, it was under control.What if we do not agree on the MRI/CT Scan? Until now maybe she'll be treated with wrong medication or it can worsen her sinus.
As for my case, i experienced low blood pressure. Penat, muntah-muntah, loya, pitam, sakit-sakit badan. Nak diikutkan kalau saya sakit demam biasa yang teruk pun all this symptom ada. Myself memang low bp and selalu rasa nak pitam.That is why those high risk as per stated in most bulletin on H1N1 really have to be careful. Those yang not under high risk category macam saya, kesan dia tak la sebegitu teruk. Maksud saya sakit tu tetap ada but bertahan la. Masih boleh berjalan (actually cuba kuatkan semangat dan hati sebab at the same time i want to take care of my little girl). But the first 2 days I was diagnosed with that memang tak boleh bangun sebab bp low sangat or else maybe boleh jatuh pitam. With drip on alhamdulillah i regain my energy fast plus antibiotic semua. Berkat doa dan semangat kawan-kawan juga insyaallah.Overall, lebih cepat kita tau lebih mudah untuk diberi rawatan lebih cepat kita akan sembuh.
Please! Please! Do not hide your sickness! Benda ni terjadi di depan mata saya sendiri di dalam ICU tu. Since keadaan kami di dalam ICU tu hanya dipisahkan oleh curtain,basically kita akan dengar apa yang orang sebelah cakap. (Luckily kami dapat corner lot :P).
Anyway, i overheard orang sebelah bersembang with another patient.
A: Kitorang senyap-senyap je bila dapat tau kena sakit ni. (The whole family of 4-mom,dad & 2kids diagnosed with H1N1)
B: Tu la, saya pun sebenarnya dah kena masa bulan puasa hari tu. Tapi saya senyap2 duduk kat rumah je. Tak amik ubat apa.
A: Oh ye ke? Kitorang tak beritahu orang sebab kalau orang tahu mesti semua tak nak jumpa or kawan dengan kitorang dah.
B: haha ye la.. semua takut. Takde orang nak kawan dah nanti.
Helloo!!! Come on lah..
For A: Like what I and Najlah had discussed, only people yang tak sekolah would think of that. We are not HIV positive or pesakit kusta sampai tak boleh nak berkawan dengan orang sampai bila-bila!Even pesakit HIV pun kita still boleh berkawan provided you follow all the precautionary measure and guidelines carefully. This virus bukanlah sejenis virus yang tak ada penawar dan akan kekal sampai bila-bila.Get yourself full knowledge on it before you make any conclusion. Kalau tak tahu tanya. Malu bertanya sesat jalan. I myself tak tahu apa pun pasal H1N1 selain apa yang dipaparkan di poster-poster. Dah ada dalam hospital tu, tanya je lah Dr and nurses semua.For me, everytime Dr visit i will asked a lot of questions! There is no such thing as silly question. In fact soalan yang saya tanya kadang berulang-ulang kali. Yang penting kita faham. We pay for their consultation. So?? tanya je lah! Bukan takat check-check sudah. We should have 2 way communication with our Dr. So that he understand what our problem is and we understand what we are having.
According to my Dr and our Paed (dah pesakitnya dua, so 2 different doctors with same questions i would ask! Tak rugi okeh!):
Bila disahkan H1N1, pesakit akan diberi ubat Tamiflu for 5 days. After 3 days consuming ubat ni, the chances untuk penyakit transfer ke orang lain is very unlikely. Dalam kes kami, only Damia and I confirmed with H1N1. So, we were admitted and isolated at the ICU. Most cases, after 3 days akan discharge. Kalau ada kes baru la akan di tahan lebih lama. Especially those with high risk group.Macam Damia 5 days sebab she need to complete her antibiotic course and her sinus&asthma. Myself, memang 3 hari sepatutnya but since i need to take care of Damia for another day, so might as well I hold on to that bed :P
Takkan Dr nak lepaskan kami balik kalau dia tau risk untuk transfer kepada lebih ramai orang tinggi. Lebih-lebih lagi dia tau sangat ada Danish, hubby, mak and family semua kat rumah. Complete the tamiflu course then you are free! Kesan-kesan sakit still akan ada i.e batuk, selsema but the virus is none. Just like batuk selsema biasa la jadiknya. Continue with your cough, flu medications that's it!
For B:According to him, he got it during puasa nak dekat raya. Duduk rumah je tak amik apa-apa medication. Time raya haritu sure ke tak berjalan raya? Dah la malu orang tau dia ada penyakit tu, so bila badan rasa kuat of course akan pergi jalan beraya kan?? Kes macam ni la yang menyebabkan tersebarnya penyakit ni tanpa pengetahuan orang lain! Very selfish! Dah la tak dapatkan rawatan, bila takde ubat penahan kemungkinan penyakit berada dalam badan lebih lama dan chances untuk transfer ke orang lain lebih tinggi. Sudahnya, ntah berapa ramai pula orang lain yang terkena akibat seorang macam ni? Ni baru seorang, kalau ramai lagi??Akibatnya.. anak dia berumur 8 bulan admitted sebab confirmed H1N1 positive! 8 bulan okeh!! kesian sangat!! Saya masih ingat bila saya tanya maknya, siapa lagi ada yang kena sebab takkan tiba-tiba baby kena. Dia jawab takde. Suddenly suaminya bercerita, rupanya dia yang dah kena. Case Close!
So please! Kalau ada tanda-tanda pergi check. Then cepat-cepat dapatkan rawatan. Nothing to hide, nothing to be shame of, nothing to loose! Lagi cepat dapatkan rawatan lagi cepat penyakit ni dapat dikawal. Please do not be selfish!
Alhamdulillah, both of us now back to normal life. Damia jumping around happily singing with her little brother. Her asthma is under control. Saya sendiri pada mula dapat tahu Damia kena, memang rasa down sangat-sangat. But, after consultation and q&a with Dr, then only I know and understand that "It is not the end of the world!". Kuatkan semangat, follow Dr's advices, take your medications and insyaallah you'll be ok.
Again, I would like to thanks all of you for your prayers and doa. ;)

thanks for sharing bebeh.. selamat beristirahat :)
Alhamdulillah semua dah OK
tapi sungguh tak bertanggungjawap B tu
bleh disaman tuh
alhamdulillah both of u dah recovered..take care and rest well.
tq for the infos.
alhamdulillah, moga makin sihat.
Alhamdulillah... good to hv u back in action dear!
good advise cik puan erna. selamat beristirehat, jaga diri. nanti ada gather-gather, kita duk sebelah2 lagi k.
SYUKUR sume dah ok erna. aku pun risau dgr ko anak banak kena h1n1 tu. nak2 danish aku pun demam tak kebah2 but now dah ok. risau wooooo
both of u dah recover..and thanks for sharing the good info..;p
take care..;)
Thanks 4 sharing the info :)
& syukur u'll da recover. take a good care Erna.
Alhamdulillah... semua dah ok....
thank god, both of u recovered. Have a good rest. happy to hear that she is jumping around. :)
Take care!
alhamdulillah both of u dah sihat...
lambat dapat berita..
anyway lega dan gumbira awak n damia dah ok.
tak tahu pun kena H1N1. terkejutttt! last hari tu damia demam kan..
alhamdulillah semua dah ok.
take care..
take care ya! tq 4 d' info. no wonder banyak betul tanda2 H1N1 ni.
again, take care, k...
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