2pm - makan2 raya@ Alin's, RG
8pm - makan2 raya@ Razalli's, Kayangan Heights
9-12noon - suppose to have Parents-Teacher meeting kat sekolah Damia, sekali ngan report card day semua..sekali kami bleh terlupa :P sampai pukul 2 baru teringat kihkih terlepas le..(but, kami bleh buat appointment datang weekdays jugak after this ;) )
12.30 pm - makan2 raya@ CEO Amanah's house, S.Alam
3pm - Ayra Alisha's 1st Birthday Bash, Sri Hartamas
9am- dah terpacak kat OU! Breakfast kat Kluang Station.
Then terus pusing-pusing jalan-jalan.. bunyi macam ordinary weekend shopping mall outing,huh?? Takde makna..hahaha. Mr. Hubby ada kerja okeh! Nasib la new office dalam mall, so bleh la upah kami dengan mall outing lol!!! Since next week is the branch soft launch, so they work round the clock since its totally brand new branch. So happened yesterday, Mr. Hubby dah instruct all staff (yang tak raya Deepavali) to come and check the system etc etc etc...
9am- dah terpacak kat OU! Breakfast kat Kluang Station.
Then terus pusing-pusing jalan-jalan.. bunyi macam ordinary weekend shopping mall outing,huh?? Takde makna..hahaha. Mr. Hubby ada kerja okeh! Nasib la new office dalam mall, so bleh la upah kami dengan mall outing lol!!! Since next week is the branch soft launch, so they work round the clock since its totally brand new branch. So happened yesterday, Mr. Hubby dah instruct all staff (yang tak raya Deepavali) to come and check the system etc etc etc...
So, after 'bribe' me with some stuff at the Estee Lauder counter (Dott! i dah beli makeup,yeay!!! ihiks! bila nak 'make-up potluck'? :P), Mr. Hubby pun excuse himself lah!. Tinggalkan moi with 2 kiddos in hand! And, RM for the kids! kihkih Since i got RM10 voucher, so pergilah naik atas at CS counter. Dan punya bagus CS tu kan dekat toys berlegar-legar di ruang itu nak dekat 1jam! Ok lah..daripada i have to chase them kat luar mall yang ramai orang, or ride on whatever rides they have kat luar tu.. so i rather them 'rambang mata' with all the toys! :P
End up, Danish choose Matchbox truck (yes, he is so obsessed with trucks, cars, trains, digger, crane dan sewaktu dengannya!) Dalam satu jam tu, macam-macam toy dia pilih, pegang and letak balik.. including Thomas the Train set yang rm100+, tonka digger, cars mc queen, bob the builder.. ada yang terlebih budget yang daddy dia kasik, but i just let him hold on to that thing! kihkih..memang psycho ngan mommy nih :P sebab mommy tak kisah jer nak pusing 10x pun kat area tuh..lain lah daddy, pusing 2 kali and just grab whatever ditangan depa.. sudahnya dia dah penat, Mommy pi bawak kat matchbox area, and show him the truck. Terus dia lepaskan whatever 'current toy' kat tangan (rasanya masa tu thomas set yang nak dekat 200 hengget!) and terus bawak pi counter bayar :P kihkih..selamat!
As for Damia, dia pun asal dah pegang jump rope barbie, then dia letak balik..seems like all the things dia dah ada..and she's not into barbie end up i told her tak payah la Damia. Let's go to MPH :D
Out from P@rkson, nak pergi ke MPH, sekali Damia nak masuk Art Attack.. next class another half hour which is at 1pm. So, terus je lah register her for that sebab dia nak sangat. And Danish dapat join sekali walaupun dia sudah dapat truck! hihihi.. so, mommy tinggalkan depa for 1hour. Thot of pampering myself kat Sothys sebelah tu, sekali mcm malas la plak sbb macam full je. Instead i leisurely cuci mata and akhirnya 'terbeli' jugak kat Pumpkin Patch itu (huh, again the kids stuff!!!! a dress for Damia, and short for Danish which is both 50% off).
Then, terus amik the 2 kiddos with their arts and craft and head off to Hub's office. After Mr. Hubby settlekan apa yang patut, kami pun pi melantak@Itallianies. Then, terus get out from OU since we have to attend 1 deepavali open house @ Klang (hubby's staff).
Sampai je, kami 'dipaksa' makan briyani!!! Ya Allah! rasa nak terburai perut! imagine that after having caesar salad, pizza etc at Itallianies, then kena plak makan briyani!! huahuahua...
Suppose to attend another open house@ Melawati, but hubby too tired to go there since nak kena tempuh KL semula. So, terus balik rumah. Memang a tiring and full of makan-makan holiday for all of us!
Fewhhhhh, aku yg baca entry ko ni pun rasa nak terburai perut :P
ai sis erna.. saya ada la milo_es.. saya nak 'hi2' kak sis erna nie.. hehe meh la singgah blog saya ya..
muahah! make up potluck.. boleh ajer... Kena book Cikgu Jules!
Wah makan makan sakan yer..
banyaknya makan
tapi size hang ok lagi
kalau aku mahu sudah gaya belon angin diudara
waa.. damia minat art ek?? cane ajar dia wat seme tuh? since what age?
my dhea minat ape ek?? ultraman kots ;P
sya since asben gi kursus aritu seme jemputan open house terpaksa ditolak.. tak larat laa nk bwk "2 handbag" skaligus.. hahahaha
bestnya ofis your hubby kat dlm shopping mall...
erna... yg Art class tu kat level berapa? bhgn mana? boleh tau tak how much is the cost?
lola: mmg nak terburai :P
mrs.h: hiyaaa!! oh lama tak dengar citer..nnt saya terjah ye ;)
dott: hihi, set apt date la ngan cikgu nnt ;)
fid: takde makna size aku tak naik! meluap2 naik aku rasa dah ni huhuhu
mamadhea: hihi, dia mmg sker arts since kecik. Selalu wat kat rumah. Yang ni, project base, so ok gak la..
ni budak2 dah besar sket baru berani bawak 2 org sekali, kalau masa kecik dulu tak berani wooo!
marisa: yer, mmg bank tu kat new wing OU :P
Art attack kat tingkat atas yang banyak kedai2 budak-budak..dia sebelah MPH & Sothys. Price for walk-in kids rm45. Depa bleh choose apa project nak buat according to age. Paling kecik bleh join 2 1/2 years. We thot of beli the package so that its cheaper.. RM200 for 5x valid 6mos. or RM300 for 10x valid 1year. Memandangkan mcm selalu jer kena pi area situ baik we'ols beli pakej so that dapat murah sket cost per class ;)but later2 lah! smlm just as walk-in ajerr..
Kalau hang nak pi lg bawak D&D pi Art Attack class tu, habaq kat aku, na? Aku nak bawak Sofea - dia suka messy job nih ;)
lola: buleh sangat nyah! bleh la kita dating2 sementara depa get messy di situ :P kalau tak aku sorang2 gak pun hihihi
uiksss...mau melotop perut camni!
make up pun ada pot luck ke??menarik...hihihi!
Salam singgah! Wah cantiknya layout! Nice blog=D
mak jenis yg susah nak kenyang kalau pi open house.. tp kalau pegi macam yg hang pi ni, harus nyah..
harus timbang.. kah kah kah..
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